Regarding to the postgraduate examination in the 1st semester, 113 academic year, please hand in the following application forms to Ms. Lin, a coordinator in the department office (2F), 1 month, at least, before the examination aforementioned takes place. (website (網址
1. 申請學位考試時,必須檢附「學術倫理教育時數認列證明書」至少6小時。
According to a resolution made by DAA Curriculum Committee, any graduate student graduated from DAA/International Degree Program on Energy Engineering AFTER the fall semester, 2022, is required to provide a certificate of Academic Integrity Online Course learning hours, 6 hours at least, when applying for one's degree examination.
本校學術誠信線上課程網址(NCKU Academic Integrity Online Courses):。
本校【學術倫理教育時數登錄平台】網址(NCKU Academic Integrity Online Course learning hours verification platform):。
2. 學位考試申請書
Defense application form
3. 論文比對結果報告 Paper comparison
It is required to submit a soft copy of your thesis/dissertation with your supervisor’s signature on the cover page to Ms. Lin, a staff in DAA office (2F). (Note: please combine the cover page of your supervisor’s signature into other pages)
It is required to submit a hard copy of your thesis/dissertation with your supervisor’s ORIGINAL signature on the cover page to Ms. Lin, a staff in DAA office.
First, please have a. and b. aforementioned completed. Then, submit the form for your degree examination to Ms. Lin, a staff in DAA office (2F).
本校論文比對事宜,請至成功大學圖書館電子資源查詢系統進行論文比對或洽圖書館知識服務組余小姐(分機 65785)。網址:
Please click the following link and learn more details about paper comparison on NCKU Library homepage: